Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Collection of the funniest Gags and Memes Entries

By: Unknown On: 3:13 AM
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  • This is my favorite collections of Gags and Memes that may be trend on to you! Check my fav Gags and Memes on!


    Joker Saying How It Is.

    Me Gusta!

    I Love It

    Oh You Philosophic Dino

    Ash Asking Stupid Questions

    My roommates just don't understand that I'm on a different time schedule than them.

    I Wen There.

    Where Everybody Cried

    When my girlfriend asks how I am able to carry our mattress from the bedroom, down the stairs, to the living room...

    Russian Vodka Strength Solving One Problem At Time

    My Son's Friends Are So Polite!

    I Knew This Dog Would Be Good For Something.

    How I Feel Most Days At Work

    Girlfriend Dinner Date Rage.

    Source: Smiley Cat and  Gagism

    How To Draw "Double Letters" Easy!

    By: Unknown On: 2:04 AM
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  • Today! I'm gonna show you how to draw double letters simple and very easy! If you have homework like this, you can make it easy. If you are a beginner, you can follow these easy steps. No such Glitch my friends. So now let's start:


    First, sketch a triangle-looklike or like a big mouse cursor without a tail and not like a italic using pencil and on a bond paper. Do not sketch too hard LIGHT only. It will ruin the cleany surface of your paper(See on the image below).

    Second, now you're done! Sketch some like a "A" Letter(Definitely, you must concentrate or imagine on the letter"A" shape to get you sketch up on it but your sketch was still lightly) Simply sketch some lines that will make it look like a letter "A" but not too much hard sketch, light sketch only friends. You can make your sketch dirty on some lines just to make a little look like of a letter "A"(See the image below).

    Third, success! Making up your sketch still on your pencil. If you got your concentration for balancing a letter "A" on your scratch. Now, you can sketch hard but still lightly medium with lines to get ready of your pen tracing the letter "A"(Guys, still do not do on your sketch hardly still light-medium only using your pencil). Get your letter "A" lines on some medium-hard if you get the letter "A" shape some(See the image below).

    Fourth, you nailed it dude! Get ready of your ballpen's or your sign pen etc.. Because for now you are gonna draw it with your pen. You should still carefully focused on your tracing with your ballpen because ballpen have no eraser's like pencils but a correction tape(Guys, you should make your pen tracing carefully the letter "A" neatly not like a zigzag or dirty lines, but if you are just a beginner you can still got you on a dirty line, just still need a little more practice and then you're there). You should make your trace cleanly on the line neatly on the letter "A" like on the pic carefully(See the image below).

    Fifth, you're done my friend! You just need to get your letter "A" clean and out of dirty pencil lines your pencil or eraser. You can make your letter "A" sketch hardened with your bare hands using ballpens and more!


    NOTE: For Best results, practice this tutorial everyday and you will get your sketching ambitions to the top!